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Tuesday, November 23, 2004 

they must be mistaken

intro...this was written back in 1992 it was a part of my OAC writers craft independent study. i had to read two books of similar genre (choosen from a list - how creative) i choose satire; more specifically galapagos by kurt vonnegut and catch 22 by joseph heller. we were then given strange writing assigments - one of them was a poemas written by one of the characters, this is what i came up with:

they must be mistaken

they are all around me, closing in,
there are too many i could never win.
no, i am not crazy, it's just not true,
no, i don't believe them. why do you?
what, you say it's not real just insanity?
you're words are not authentic, mere profanity.
you make me nervous by the way you talk,
is it my obervations that you need mock?
all i want is to get out of here,
dont' you them, they draw near.
i see their eyes watching cast down upon me,
hey , there they are, why can you not see?
these evil people have chosen me as their clown,
i can see their hunger as they stare me down.
they have taken over and invaded my mind,
they're beside me, in forn and even behind.
there they come to get me, this time for true,
i told you that i wasn't, insane, so it must be you.

- Yossarian (catch 22)