Wednesday, November 16, 2005 

supplementally material

Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love but
only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit
at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy.

Kahlil Gibran

(1883-1931, Lebanese poet, novelist)


all the while

not been around much has so taken over my waking life. it was first that i was busy, then worried as i watched the company i had worked for and the people whom i had come to know as family...fade away. now, new job within part of the same company: same benefits, same office, same pay...much more stress.

i made a fatal mistake - i trusted. why can't i just trust personal friends, no instead, i figure i should trust a souless entity with now morals and no integrity. oh well, now i'm stuck there...yeah i know i could quit - but i just can't afford it. i just need to start looking elsewhere so i can return to myself...and to my blog.

i miss the writing but at the same time i have no creative flow. i've decided to just come here and write...whatever comes to mind...write...keep on writing...

whenever i feel like this...i feel the need for nature. a picture will do sometimes but for the most part i need the real shit. i need the outdoors, i need to bask in the magnificent rays of the sun, the freshness of the coutry air. i think i need to plan a walk by the's kinda gettin cold here now. i know, i know the cold north is fierce but really the temperature is a tepid 1°C.

let's take a second to appreicate that we are not in Manitoba...