Thursday, January 27, 2005 

holiday crash n' burn

well the holidays are over - these were the best in a long time. maybe it was spending time with my nieces and nephew; and observing first hand that some kids are thankful. or maybe it was my best friend giving birth to her first baby. yeah that means there will be more. i love what i got for xmas but i'm happier with what i gave.

- we bought my nephew robosapien - what an awesome toy that is.
- we redid my niece's (she's 11 y/o) room in purple and blue 'angel' stuff. complete with a purple feather-soft blanket.
- bought my baby niece she's not 1 yet that Dance Baby Dance Dancin' Bandstand toy. it's a great gift for a baby. she loves it. she can be entertained and learn all at the same time.

i bought some other appreciated gifts - it really was a great year for giving. but like i said i also got some great gifts. mainly my Palm Zire 31. which i love! no serious, i can organize my whole life. no; my life is not big, bad or exciting but my lack of attention span means that i forget lots of shite. it has everything.

my wonderwoman notebook is so freakin cool, zippo with my name on it, a very posh and expensive case for my palm, some singing mice and oh so many more super cool gifts.

there has been no blogging for me - a couple of quick posts to moBLOG! but nothing here. i have been doing most of my writing on paper - can you believe it? i have all these technologies at my disposal and i still use paper. some of my journal entries and whatnot are just not 'blog' material - yes sometimes i believe it's important to sensor.

don't get me wrong this blog is for me - but i figure someone at somepoint will read it. this is my blog - no friends or family are aware of this blog. i'm not sure why but it's easier to write knowing that whoever reads this will see me as just another internet shadow. fine with me. so there! ;0)


was reading a small toronto paper today ( when i happened upon yet another article about The Superbowl fiasco of yesteryear. why is a nipple causing such controversy? football itself is violent not to mention the level of violence in the news. as society we have determined that a naked nipple can wreck a child but violence is alright. reality tv - no problem. i'm a little partial here - janet is by far my favourite artist of all time. i won't even discuss little mr. timberlake the disloyal diserter. janet is the cause of the delay in live televison - is she now? or is it the moral majority that sits around making decisions for everybody else? nakedness is not the cause of our problems - the problems are so much bigger then that. and we have problems in this world that are bigger and need our attention. for example the situation in the Sudan - genocide it happens all before our greedy western eyes. yet we do nothing. we storm into a country that doesn't want us there to 'liberate' the people and disable all the nuclear weapons BUT other countries cry for our help. for more information on the crisis in the Sudan you can get it here:

we need to pay attention to what is really important. for all of our time-saving technology nobody has any more time. we have less and that angers us. or maybe it's just me.

i'm even trying to learn - How to think like Leonardo da Vinci a free course. i'll be zen someday or i'll kim me trying. heehee.

my couplasence.