Friday, February 25, 2005 

blogmonkee crazies

i have been so focused on my new blog (blogmonkee) that i have lost track of all else. i have not been out to the bars, i haven't been watching much television. i am consumed. i'm one of those people that decides on something and then goes full tilt at it but then boredom looms large after a while and i'm spent. i'm starter not a finisher. i'm not in for the long haul. even my relationships go that way - i'll meet someone (friend or sp. friend) and be all about that person then i'll get bored and want to move on. i'm not sure if it's that i bore of them or if i'm afriad they will bore of me. you know what i mean?

i'm committment-phobic. yes, margaret there are chicks who don't like 'settling down.' i am one of those chicks. sometimes it gets lonely being me but whatever. i'm hate the sound of whining from me or anybody else for that matter. we live the life we choose to live. sure, sometimes life throws you fastball from time to time you weren't quite expecting but that kinda shite builds character. seriously though my life has been determined by me, others have made appearances both negatively and positively. what is the point of blame? someone has got to fix it anyway so just go about doing that instead of first taking the time to blame.

not sure where that all came from but i was feelin it so i thought i should blog it!

oh yeah, please check out my new blog: blogmonkee

Sunday, February 06, 2005 

the signs

i just realized today that i am a year of the ox aries ram! do i even have a chance, i ask you?!