not been around much has so taken over my waking life. it was first that i was busy, then worried as i watched the company i had worked for and the people whom i had come to know as family...fade away. now, new job within part of the same company: same benefits, same office, same pay...much more stress.
i made a fatal mistake - i trusted. why can't i just trust personal friends, no instead, i figure i should trust a souless entity with now morals and no integrity. oh well, now i'm stuck there...yeah i know i could quit - but i just can't afford it. i just need to start looking elsewhere so i can return to myself...and to my blog.
i miss the writing but at the same time i have no creative flow. i've decided to just come here and write...whatever comes to mind...write...keep on writing...
whenever i feel like this...i feel the need for nature. a picture will do sometimes but for the most part i need the real shit. i need the outdoors, i need to bask in the magnificent rays of the sun, the freshness of the coutry air. i think i need to plan a walk by the's kinda gettin cold here now. i know, i know the cold north is fierce but really the temperature is a tepid 1°C.
let's take a second to appreicate that we are not in Manitoba...